3:02pm Working, Zeke's Cafe

4:21pm Spilled lids all over the floor, instead of picking them up I ran for my camera.

5:09pm Taking out the trash.

6:02pm Waiting for the bus from West Pango-Pango.

7:16pm Making Chai Tea

8:06pm Chicken pesto fettuccine and thesis research

9:06pm Quality time with Jon Stewart

9:55pm Exhausted, went to bed early

10:55pm Rear window view

11:59pm Sleeping, using alarm clock as light source, hence the blue tint


7:01am Slept through all the alarms, including the next one

8:55am Out of the shower, a bit late for class

9:41am Class

10:55am Starpower simulation during class

11:59am Back at the library

12:54pm I might live at the library

1:53pm Lunch with my supervisor/campus mom

2:53pm One week into the semester and I already have 17 books checked out of the library, not a good sign

4:05pm Love the way the sun bathes my room in the afternoon

5:03pm I've had strange cravings lately- basil omlette and summer squash

6:02pm Love how they lock the desk tops in computer labs

7:09pm Class, sorry under the table again

8:06pm Fancy UNH chair I get to sit in